X-Men: The Last Stand (also known the way X-Men 3) is a 2006 Indian superhero film, based on the X-Men superhero team introduced in Marvel Comics. The film, distributed by 20th Century Fox, is the sequel to 2003's X2 and 3rd installment in the X-Men film range. It was directed by Brett Ratner, written written by Simon Kinberg and Zak Penn, boasting an ensemble cast, including Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Kelsey Grammer, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, Vinnie Jones, and Patrick Stewart. Ones film's script is loosely based referring to two X-Men comic book story arcs: "The Dark Phoenix Saga" by reviewer Chris Claremont and artist John Byrne, and "Gifted" by writer Joss Whedon and artist John Cassaday, with a plot that revolves around a "mutant cure" that causes serious repercussions among the mutants and humans, and on any resurrection of Jean Grey. 

Bryan Singer, who had directed 2 previous films, X-Men (2000) and X2, decided to leave to work on Superman Returns, as he had not actually defined the storyline for an also film. Matthew Vaughn, who was once hired as the new director, abandoned due to personal and professional issues, and was replaced with Ratner. Shooting began in August 2005 with a low cost of $210 million, and was outcome the most expensive film at time of its release. It had detailed visual effects created by 11 completely different companies. 

X-Men: The Remaining Stand was for purchase on May 26, 2006, to business-related success. It made approximately $459 zillion worldwide, becoming specific seventh-highest grossing the silver screen of 2006; exercise routines, meal at the some time the highest-grossing movies in the television series and currently often the fourth-highest-grossing film in the franchise. Critical entrance hall was mixed, however acting and the experience scenes receiving favourable notice, and complaints directed at each screenplay, and excessive use of characters and design. 

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