Action starts with Kyle Norris (Tom Sizemore) wishing birthday on phone to his / her son who works at the Government. Their conversation is disconnected after this man hears an explosion and soon breaking news begin to pop up entirely on TV screens about a terrorist assault on Pentagon, causing many casualties, including his son. Kyle has been functioning on a bio-mechanical weapon that encourages people to gain control of people today mind. After the death of his / her son and US governments involvement of war on terror, he realizes that experts claim this war cant be won by means of traditional weaponry. So he unleashes his / her bio-mechanical weapon to eliminate the terrorists cells. He doesnt bother to calculate the cost in terms of human lives that may result as that unintended consequence. Now this is in to a dedicated detective to end him before it is too later. 

A stereotyped plot, cliched characters and also by in addition large unpleasant performances, everything these elements have torn an optimistic idea that can could suffer from been carried out in the perfect much processed manner. Its certainly difficult toward assume of the fact that director would not re-evaluated our finished services or products but and after that how appear he overlook so loads of flaws of the cereals drama? Lower budget vices do influence on directors possible to portray his creative thinking on windscreen but these types shortcomings have nothing with do on shortage of all finances. Their rather don't have any of vision which can be quite straightforward in every single scene regarding this picture. 

A sort of excitement is apply throughout the while episode. It has director was considered lagging responsible for the timeline and made the method which resulted in half-baked scenes, premature performance and so cliched dialogues. This is complete with been any kind of a typical problem with direct-to-video formats that, unlike theatrical releases, shell out less concentrate to the particular fundamentals and so rely towards cliched member. 

Johnny Messner has caused justice to be able to his player which is really like a new breath with regards to fresh air space. Other others in your movie has shown terribly little motivation to this characters. Journey does feature element with regards to suspense in the at the outset half but nevertheless , for a little more than partially an hour, story trip forward coming from a more measured pace. Their second half gets traction and stride that develop some interest fees. You should watch a movie while case anybody dont has an easier options at your disposal. I does give of which 4 completly of 50 points. 

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