The Midnight Man is an independent crime-thriller film starring Will Kemp, Brinna Kelly, William Forsythe, Brent Spiner, Doug Jones, Vinnie Jones, Steve Valentine, Max Adler, and William Miller. Brinna Kelly quite possibly produced and co-wrote, along with representative D.C. Hamilton. It will be announced to DVD and Digital by Cinedigm on March 1, 2016.

When Grady, an assassin with a hereditary disorder that renders him unable towards feel pain, is sent on your own high-stakes assignment, his world is worked upside-down after an attack when the doctor awakens to discover that he seems pain for the first time in the life. With the clock ticking as well as his greatest asset gone, Grady will head to head-to-head with his greatest fears or unspeakable enemies, while experiencing a responsive world he never could have believed.

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