Rambo III is a 1988 American action film directed by Peter MacDonald. The specific film depicts fictional events during some sort of Soviet war in Afghanistan. It is the third film in the Rambo lines following First Blood and Rambo: Firstly Blood Part II. It was in turn followed by Rambo in 2008, which the last film in the type to feature Richard Crenna as Colonel Sam Trautman before his death back 2003. 

Sixty-five seconds for the film were deleted in the Uk version for theatrical release. Some at some time video releases well-nigh tripled the styles. 

Colonel Sam Trautman visits his former friend and number one ally John Rambo into Thailand. He details that he is truly putting together the latest mercenary team for virtually any CIA-sponsored mission to offer anti-Soviet fighters to Afghanistan. Despite being shown photos of ordinary people suffering at often the hands of the entire Soviet military, Rambo refuses to join, as he has been tired of struggling against. Trautman proceeds anyway and should be ambushed by foe forces near the border, resulting in many of his grownup men being killed. Trautman is captured to sent to a long mountain base staying interrogated by Soviet Colonel Zaysen and his awesome henchman Sergeant Kourov. 

Embassy formal Robert Griggs informs Rambo of Trautman's capture on the other hand refuses to approve the latest rescue job for concern about drawing the united states into the war. Aware that Trautman will die otherwise, Rambo gets concur to undertake a solo try on situation that he will be disavowed in the presentation of shoot or death. Rambo immediately flies into Peshawar, Pakistan, where the individual intends that will help convince legs dealer Mousa Ghani to have him that will help Khost, city closest into the Soviet group where Trautman is owned or operated captive.



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